What is plyometrics?

Have you heard of plyometrics but wondering what it is? Would you like to know the definition of plyometrics? You are not alone!

Plyometrics is an "exercise involving the rapid stretching and contraction of muscles (such as in a jump or a leap) to improve muscle power." "Source: Merriam-Webster.

When I wrote the article "Probably the best way to improve your running performance", I had no idea that it would arouse so much interest and questions. 

This article will allow you to discover what plyometrics is. If you would like to know how to incorporate this type of training into your current training, click here

What is plyometrics?

Training in plyometrics aims to train muscle power by forcing the muscle to contract very hard for a short time. During this short moment, the muscle must first brake the descent of the body towards the ground to immediately propel it upwards.

What does plyometrics improve?

The plyometry thus makes it possible to increase the muscle power. Little reminder; power is the amount of energy per unit of time supplied from one system to another. In other words, power is a flow of energy. By increasing muscle power, we are therefore able to:

  • to transmit the same level of energy but in less time;


  • to transmit more energy in equal time.

Here's what exactly happens when you run or jump:


What is the definition of plyometrics?

In the first phase, your muscle prepares for the loading phase by pre-activating itself. During the weight-bearing phase, the muscle stretches in order to absorb the energy of your body which goes down. Note that even if your muscle stretches, at the same time it tries to contract (it forces itself so as not to stretch); this is called a eccentric contraction.

In the second phase, your muscle succeeds in slowing your fall and you don't descend any more.

Finally, during the shortening phase, the muscle shortens in order to propel the body up or forward.

Throughout this cycle, the muscle is always trying to get shorter. We call this stretch-shortening cycle or stretch-shortening cycle. Doing plyometrics stimulates the body to improve its power by placing it in an increased stretch-shorten cycle.

Classic exercise

The classic plyometric exercise is the depth-jump or deep jump. The exercise involves getting on a box of a certain height (usually 12/24/36 inches), jumping down the box, and then trying to jump as high as possible immediately after landing.

No need to tell you that this method is very taxing on the body and that I do not suggest it to you, unless you are a high level athlete. Here is a video that gives an example:

What does plyometrics improve?

As you know, plyometrics is a very effective training method. It improves several performance factors. In particular, it causes certain adaptations of the nervous system:

  • Plyometrics improves intramuscular coordination. That is to say that inside the muscle itself, the fibers become better coordinated and the body improves its ability to recruit them.
  • Plyometrics improves inter-muscular coordination. That is to say that the muscles work together more efficiently by being contracted at times and at forces that allow more power to be developed.

Plyometrics also improves the tendons' ability to store and release energy.

If you are interested in plyometrics, here is a method for'integrate into your training.

Finally, if you want to do weight training at home, we have developed a brand of equipment made from recycled material named Otherland.

Good training!

Would you like to know more about plyometrics? Download our free ebook:

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Daniel Riou General director
Managing Director of Challenge Group, Founder of Corporate Challenge and co-founder ofAltterre. I love anything related to physical activity and overall health. Holder of a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology from'Laval University Various trainings by The Runner's Clinic Emergence ProgramBeauce School of Entrepreneurship National Coaching Certification Program Level 2 in Badminton National Coaching Certification Program Level 1 in Weightlifting

9 thoughts on “What is plyometrics?”

  1. Super good coordination of tickets between La Clinique Du Coureur and Courseàpied.ca 🙂

    We present a post next week on improving the Running Economy in English… and plyometrics is one of the ways to improve it…

    (my definition of running economy: the difference between Lance Armstrong who runs the marathon in 3h00 and those who run it in 2h05 ... and this with the same VO2max 🙂)

    • Hi Blaise, regarding your definition, I think there is still more than just running economy that differentiates Lance from Wilson Kipsang… In my opinion the VO2max + running economy = VAM… And yet it It is possible that two people have the same MAV and that they succeed in different performances… Particularly if the test is long.

      • I agree… but.
        In fact, we could add several other determinants of performance such as muscle power, lactic capacity, tolerance to pain and fatigue, tactics, etc.

        The 3 main ones are on the other hand:
        1.the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2),
        2.the efficiency of the stride (running economy: how little VO2Max is needed for a speed X) and
        3. endurance (how long you can hold a high% of the MAV)

        I still think that what differentiates these 2 runners is mainly their mechanical efficiency… Lance's inability to convert his chemical energy into mechanical energy, that is to say into movement (words from Guy Thibault). Lance expends a lot of energy to move at a given speed. Lack of proximal flexibility, elastic rebound of his calves, contraction timing,…?


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