Strength Training Can Help You Prevent Injury

Several runners get injured each year. One of the secrets to injury prevention is to be progressive in whatever modification you apply to your workouts:

  • Be progressive in the change of shoes;
  • Be progressive in changing the running surface;
  • Be progressive in increasing your training volume;
  • Be progressive if you add speed to your workout

Having said that, a literature review recently conducted an analysis based on 25 studies from different sources. The latter found that weight training was able to halve the risk of injury from wear and tear. According to this same analysis, proprioception training was also a way to prevent wear and tear injuries.

The problem with this study is that it wasn't just done on runners. However, as the researchers took care to separate traumatic injuries from wear and tear injuries, it can be concluded that the effect on the prevention of wear and tear injuries approximates the effect on running injuries.

Personally, I am not convinced that weight training can reduce the risk of injury. A half, but it is certainly an interesting tool for runners. It would be interesting to have more studies on this subject that would be done on runners.

If you would like to get a weight training program for running, I invite you to consult this article or to use the one we give as part of the Défi Entreprises (available in the participant area).

Moreover, if you want to do weight training at home, we have developed a brand of equipment made from recycled material called Otherland.

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Daniel Riou General director
Managing Director of Challenge Group, Founder of Corporate Challenge and co-founder ofAltterre. I love anything related to physical activity and overall health. Holder of a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology from'Laval University Various trainings by The Runner's Clinic Emergence ProgramBeauce School of Entrepreneurship National Coaching Certification Program Level 2 in Badminton National Coaching Certification Program Level 1 in Weightlifting

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