Intrinsic motivation?

Or ? When? What? How? 'Or' What ? but above all why? This famous $ 1000 question that we would sometimes prefer to ignore… Why do we do what we do, why are we what we are? Why ? Why ? Why ? What are the reasons behind our life choices. We all start running for different reasons and there are no better ones than others to help us take that first step. However, it turns out that a certain type of motivation is more effective in sustaining certain choices and transforming them into a habit of life. These are the intrinsic motivations.

The psychological concept of motivation has been around for many years although it did not have that name at the time. He was present among others among philosophers who were interested in the origin of desire and the search for happiness. Since the middle of the 20e century, when the term motivation appeared, the concept is gaining popularity and much research is being done and continues to be done on the subject. Motivation is defined as what prompts someone to act, to do an act, to adopt a behavior. It is a trigger that also determines the intensity, the degree of investment and the duration of the action triggered. The so-called intrinsic motivation comes from oneself and relates to the pleasure, to the well-being, to the feeling of satisfaction felt. In contrast, extrinsic motivation occurs in order to obtain a response, a consequence which is external to oneself such as obtaining a reward, avoiding punishment. One does not exclude the other. It is quite normal when you feel pleasure in doing something to want to surpass yourself and set goals such as improving your time, aiming for a place on the podium, etc.

On this information, I invite you to stop for a moment and take the time to ask yourself this question: Why am I running? Personally, I run because it allows me to come to myself, I run because I feel good during and after, I run because I like it and I have fun doing it. I won't hide from you that there are days when I don't feel good either during or after training and that the pleasure is not there. These days I wonder why I run and I remember how enjoyable it can be and right now I look forward to next time.

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Julie Richard

4 thoughts on “Intrinsic motivation?”

  1. Hello,

    Even though I have already run on foot,
    at 62 years old, 2500 km in 59 consecutive days,
    at 64 years old, 5280 km in 121 consecutive days,
    at 66 years old, 6221 km in 160 consecutive days,
    at 68, 50 track marathons in 50 consecutive days, donation 8 times under 4 hours, from the 30th Marathon.

    at 68 years old, 400 km in 10 consecutive days,
    at 71 years old, 1620 km in 44 consecutive days,
    at 72 years old, 2734 km in 88 consecutive days,
    at 72, 350 km in 10 days in a row.

    At 74 years old, my 3rd big challenge in 2018 is to cross Belgium right through (16 parts) by running on foot more or less 2500 km in less than 90 consecutive days.

    All this is to explain to you that even with my experience of more than 200.000km on foot since 1968, in more than 570 Marathons, all good ideas are always welcome.

    Michel Drygalski,
    Extreme Marathoner,
    President of the ASBL Courir à Pied Pour le Don d'Organes.

    • You are truly awesome and inspiring. And you have a good physical constitution to do all of this. And ESPECIALLY an exceptional mentality to never give up, to stop!

      I started running at 58, I do 5 to 8 km, depending on my mood, and I'm very proud of it…. all the same! But what you are doing is remarkable, well done!

      Johanne fillion


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