Nutrition and contradictions: how to navigate? - Part 1

2006. A passion for nutrition is born along with a beautiful plump baby. A flood of questions, those that lead us invariably to advance towards new goals.

A charming CEGEP teacher made me appreciate nutrition. Until then, my knowledge was limited to "pizza pockets and croquettes". It must be said that I was starting from afar, but the desire to learn how to feed my child well was a powerful driving force.

Nutrition still fascinates me. The interactions between nutrients and their synergy in the human body amazes me. It's beautiful, almost artistic.

I have an unhealthy curiosity about the hustle and bustle of fad diets. Curious about new scientific advances and always worried about running into charlatans. Because everyone can proclaim themselves Nutrition pro Nowadays. How to navigate?

It is the characteristic of a science to evolve, to grow and to change. Nutrition is no exception. 

Child nutrition

I think this is where nutrition has changed the most in the last 15 years. Anyone in Quebec expecting a child has received a book named Better Living with our child from pregnancy to 2 years old, kind of "take good care of your baby" Bible. This book, modified every year according to new knowledge, is now available online!

My oldest and my youngest are 10 years apart. I assure you that the recommendations have nothing to do with it! In just 10 years. 

Here are some differences in the nutritional recommendations for these 2 children (in perfect health by the way).

Categories2006 recommendationsNowadays
Order of food introductionStart with the iron fortified cereal in a specific order, one type at a time in intervals of a few daysStart with foods rich in iron such as iron fortified cereals for babies; meat and poultry; Fish; tofu; legumes; eggs!
TexturesStart feeding baby with smooth textures and progress quietly to songs between 9 to 12 monthsYou don't need to wait that your baby has teeth to offer him crushed or chopped foods; his gums already allow him to chew. In fact, babies love to chew.
Food allergiesDelay as long as possible the introduction of foods containing allergens: peanut butter, egg, fish and dairy productsWe now know that delaying the introduction of these foods does not prevent allergieseven in children who are at greater risk of developing a food allergy.
The juiceThe 60mL of Juice 100% pure is considered like a portion of fruit in the GAC *Fruit juices are currently part of the category of sugary drinks for which it is recommended to limit consumption.

* Canadian Food Guide 

Trendy diet charts: The Art of Contradiction

Weight loss is a pervasive concern in our society. It is easily observable if only by the offer of plans which are inserted from all over the web. The great demand to lose weight is still strong and explosive despite it being scientifically proven that diets do not work in the long term. 

What are the conclusions to be made?

I know it's not particularly attractive and sexy having to change your lifestyle: be patient, learn to like your curves, move and eat according to your needs and rhythm. It is quite this way of doing things that seems the most convincing.

I never tire of questioning myself and searching. Intuitive eating still seems the most logical path to me. 

I read one day, The Diet Bible1, and I was totally fascinated by the creativity that some people can use to invent a diet ... and what's more, in many cases, it is the work of a doctor (je ne sais quoi) what to say)! 

In the category creative and / or funny diets not too difficult to maintain, the names are:

  1. The Rainbow Diet : The latter suggests eating according to the colors to consume a maximum of phytonutrients. We therefore calculate the portions of Blue / Purple, Yellow / Orange, Red, Green and White / Brown. Hours of fun!
  2. The Miami Diet : Phase 1: Very strict two-week diet. Phase 2: Diet a little less strict until the desired weight is reached. Phase 3: Stabilization. Repeat phase 1 if you gain weight. I allow myself phase 4 ... regaining all the weight lost, and maybe even more when returning to basic eating habits!
  3. The banana diet : What to say, you have to really like bananas to eat them every day as the basis of your diet!
  4. Cabbage soup : Here, we suspect that the very high presence of fibers and liquids may promote elimination. No doubt about instant weight loss, but who could keep it up? This is the fun, it's a bit like having gastro all year round.
  5. The Paleo diet : Based on the principle that we should eat like our ancestors in the Paleolithic Era, here we mainly eat meats and certain fruits and vegetables. This monotonous diet also contains little fiber, contained in foods that are prohibited (including cereals). In short, the opposite consequences of the cabbage soup diet! 

And you dear readers, have you witnessed any changes, contradictions or amazing facts in nutrition in recent years?

Part 2 to come….

For more information on diets:

PasseportSanté.net (Intuitive feeding)
The Pharmachien: The Life Cycle of a Fad Diet
The adventures of the Pharmachien | Weight and health

1Diet Bible, JENNY DE JONQUIÈRE, Amerik Media, February 2010.

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Caroline Toupin
36 years; Nutrition Technologist, Private Trainer, Outdoor Cardio Trainer, Group Class Instructor and Full Time Mom! Training: DEC in Dietetics from Collège Montmorency Fitness Instructor Specialist CanFitPro, Certification Trainer in Running Level I Courseà and Cardio Plein Air Certifications. Passions: Running, Yoga, Outdoor, Eating, Training, Laughing, Passionate about the Arts (Humor, Music, Theater. Etc), Enjoying LIFE. Running experience: 5 to 21km runner at Pace du Bonheur and Cardio-Jogging Trainer since 2014!

1 reflection on “Nutrition and contradictions: how to navigate? - Part 1 "

  1. The Paleolithic diet is far from being monotonous if you vary, like any other ... It can also be very rich in fiber, since fruits and vegetables are the basis, including cabbage ... It always surprises me to see nutritionists argue against this type of diet.


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