How to integrate the fartlek method into your training?

The term fartlek, does that remind you of something? It is a Swedish word which means "game of speed", the fartlek is actually an interval training method, but performed in an unstructured way.

So instead of sticking to a very strict 8x 400m session at a given speed, you tell yourself that you are going to vary the speed of your workout throughout your workout.

You could include shorter or longer intervals, climbs, or even a happy mix of all kinds of intervals.

integrate the fartlek

Le fartlek, it is a method that has proven itself over the years and a large majority of athletes integrate this training method at least once a year ... sometimes even without realizing it!

Who has never accelerated to a lamppost or even to the top of a hill? People who do interval running with walking also use this method!

The advantages of Fartlek

  • the pleasure of using it by its changes of rhythm;
  • the impossibility of being bored since it leaves the routine and rigid frameworks;
  • the uselessness of the watch since the marks are purely physical;
  • rapid progression through the practice of intervals;
  • total control of your training by setting the distance to be covered as well as the pace;
  • a return to the sources by relying on your feelings and desires of the moment.

Some ideas for making a fartlek

Here is also a non-exhaustive list of the possible applications of this type of training which alternates sprints and active rest:

  • accelerate in all the climbs that we encounter on our route;
  • accelerate in all the descents that we meet on our route;
  • accelerate from one lamppost to another;
  • accelerate from one intersection to another;
  • Accelerate until you reach a certain level of shortness of breath or fatigue.

So you understand that the possibilities are endless and that you can play in all these forms depending on what tempts you or what you want to work on. It should also be mentioned that the term "accelerate" includes a multitude of varying speeds: from changing to running from walking, to maximum sprint!

With your children

It is also an excellent activity to do with your children if they are old enough: they will greatly enjoy traveling short distances at full speed if they are physically identifiable, everything is in the form of games and the activity is carried out for them!

Why not try this training method this weekend if it is unfamiliar to you? To try it is to adopt it!

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Claude godbout Project Manager
Former member of the national biathlon team and world champion in obstacle courses, physical activity has a special place in my daily life.

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