5 recipes that will make you want to have lunch

Are you part of the proportion of Canadians, either 34%, who wouldn't have breakfast in the morning?

Whether we like it or not, breakfast in the morning has so many advantages such as providing energy to the brain, contributing to well-being, reducing the risk of disease, helping to make healthy food choices, etc.

Some of the reasons people skip breakfast often include lack of time, lack of sleep, desire to lose weight, lack of variety of foods, lack of appetite in the morning, cultural reasons. , etc.

If you're one of those people who skip this meal out of lack of interest or just because the type of food you eat seems boring and monotonous, here are 5 recipes that will make you want to jump out of bed for breakfast:

  1. Oatmeal and yogurt pancakes

A "must" for me! Not only are they super nutritious (especially if you replace a little white flour with wholemeal flour), but they are also super quick to prepare.

If you have bananas turning black on the counter, you can easily mash one up and incorporate it into the mix before the baking step.

Enjoy with fresh fruit and, you guessed it, maple syrup!

2. Oatmeal to prepare the day before

When I was a full-time athlete, this recipe was definitely a staple on competition mornings. I would make a few single servings with just the dry ingredients and once there I just had to find some milk and (hopefully) some fruit, and then add them into the mix before going to bed. I made sure I had a full breakfast, which I was satisfied with and was ready to eat on the go.

The good thing about this type of recipe is that you can modify it according to your tastes and seasonal fruits!

To try it is to adopt it!

3. Breakfast burrito

For those who are more of the salty type and who appreciate a high protein intake, this recipe is for you! Not only does it include eggs, but also sausage which could easily be replaced by legumes or even cold cuts.

Do not hesitate to double the recipe to freeze individual portions: all you have to do is take out a burrito the day before and then reheat it the next morning.

4. smoothie

A classic for many and with good reason: the possibilities are endless and hard to get tired of. In addition, you can play with seasonal foods and it is a fridge-freezer par excellence!

Don't be afraid to add foods that at first glance don't seem to belong in a smoothie such as spinach, avocado, raw carrots and beets, etc.

If the sound of your blender doesn't catch on at the family council at 6 a.m., why not make it the night before or freeze individual portions?

5. Healthy homemade muffinss

Yet another classic! We love muffins for their versatility and snack size! Beware, however, of muffins from stores or restaurants: they are in fact often disguised cakes! We therefore strongly favor homemade muffins.

You could easily double or even triple the recipe and freeze the excess. Then you just have to take out a few, from time to time, when the need arises!

And many others…

You will understand that this is not an exhaustive list of recipes for lunch! Indeed, there are a host of other foods indicated for this meal. Don't be afraid to do your research and experiment - you'll find the recipe (s) that are perfect for you!

And you, what is your go-to recipe for lunch?

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Claude godbout Project Manager
Former member of the national biathlon team and world champion in obstacle courses, physical activity has a special place in my daily life.

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